
I can give you an article about a Dex Screener page for pair addresses.

DEX screen analysis: Step -by -step instructions

Dex (decentralized exchange) sites are used to evaluate cryptocurrency pairs and appropriate liquidity groups. These pages often contain an abundance of information, including pair addresses, liquidity values ​​and market data. However, extracting this information can be a challenge, especially for complex screen sites.

Understanding the structure of the dex screen

A typical dex screen page consists of several sections:

  • Pair : The primary section in which Cryptocurrency couples are displayed.

  • Liquidity values ​​: displays various liquidity values, such as price, volume and market capitalization.

  • Market data : Provides real -time market data, including price diagrams, order cards and other relevant information.

DEX Screener Page Page Analysis for pair addresses

To extract some addresses from a dex screenplay page, you must:

  • Check the HTML structure

    : Use Browser Developer -Tools such as Chrom Devtools or Firefox developers to check the HTML structure of the page.

  • Identify the container pair : Looking for containers containing pardata, such as:

  • Extract address information : In these containers extract the addresses allocated to each couple.

Code example: DEX Screener Page Analysis for pair addresses

Here is an example of how you can analyze a dex screen page with JavaScript and the “Cheerio” Library:


Const Axios = requires ('axios');

Const cheerio = requests ('cheerio');

Async function Extract Paira dress (screenerrl) {

test {

// Send HTTP request to Screener -url

Consist response = waiting axios.Get (Echeneurrl);

// analyze HTML with Cheerio

Const $ = cheerio.load (answer.Data);

// you will find the couple container

Const Pacecontainer = $ (. Pair);

// go through each couple and extract information about the address

return array.FROM (Pacecontainer) .Map ((couple) => {

// extract the address of the pair (assuming it is contained in a "data address" attribute)

Address const = $ (couple) .attr ('data address');

The sender's address;


} Catch (error) {

consoles.error (pair of errors extraction addresses: $ {error});



// use of the sample

Constyarerl = '

Extract pair dresses (Screenerurrl) .Sen ((Pairadresses) => {

console.log (pair dresses);



Tips and Variations

  • Be careful when you scrape the dex screen pages, as you often use anti-skirt mechanisms to prevent abuse.

  • You can change the code to extract certain types of address information, e.g. B. the couple’s symbol or the name of the token.

  • Do not forget to use more advanced libraries, such as “Screener Parser” or “DEX Data Extractor” to simplify the process.

If you follow these steps and examples, you should be able to successfully analyze the dex screen for couple addresses. However, do not forget to comply with the terms of use of service and robots.txt files when you remove web sites.

Liquidity Indicators

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