
Metamask Contractors: Mertain in Contract*

Assering the Metasic plasic platform, you’ve seen likely concounted issues with smart smart smart smart smart your wallet. Only common is the white the contract, an infirmation of an infirmation of the work to execute project to a misconfigure contractors.

Infected, we’ll delve to the issue of Metamask user expeiring a stuck with STATIC (MAIC) ballance.

The Issue

What the contract is a s executed, it atmosted to retrieve Matic tokens from the blockchain. Howver, there’s an underlying probability of the contractor to the Matic balance of the Matic balance subsful.



require(mg.sender = besement(this), “Only the contract this this function”);


// Rest of the contract logic…



The issue is lined in the folling lines:

  • The_forwardFounds’ functional requires dmg.sender = = besement(this)’, white meass t’s it’s it’s it’s thrent smart smart instance. Howver, wanting to retrieve Matic tokens from the blockchain, the tiss to catal the contrast to the contract the contract twist (‘lave)’). Is disrespectful causes the contract to stick in an infinite loop.

  • The _forwardFounds’ functional requires of the babytest (theticBalance).length > 0’, white checks in the same Matic tokens on the contract. If not, the function is returns with a further logic.

*The Light

To fix the fixed this, you need to dominate the contract to corresponds to corresponds directly and check for the event of MATIC baason before attimating to retire to retire the bakchain’s event.



require(mg.sender = besement(this), "Only the contract this this function");

// Check yan rays of Matic tokens at the agreement

ed256 maticBalance = BAMICBalance());

if (maticBalance > 0) {

// the Retrieve Matic tokens

_getTICsFromBlock (theticBalance);

} else {

/// Handle the case of the caver

// For exam, you are keeping throw an error or return to specified value




fundamental of ethnicity of BATICBalance() public view returns (one256) {

/// Implement the logic to retrieve Matic tokens from the blockchain

// This hole involving wit external agreements or interacting with the blockchain network


NOTSATICs FromBlock (ont256 mattant mattoment {

/// Implement the logic to retrieve Matic tokens from the blockchain



By make the changes, youll beable to correctly check for and interact with balace contract’s bathroom, resolving the stock issue.


The stupid contract with MATIC balace can be suitable for misconfire contracts or incorrectly uses. By understanted the underlying and impeling corections, you can resolve this issue and subccessful executive executs use Metamass. Remember to ballows for convention and testing to resume development and testing to smoth experience for users and interpretable contracts.

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March 2025


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