
Showcase a Custom Logo for ERC-20 Coins: A Step-by-Step Guide

When launching custom tokens on the Polygon (formerly Ethereum) blockchain, one of the most exciting aspects is customizing the token logo. In this article, we’ll go over three easy ways to display your unique logo for all to see, then provide a quick guide on how to change it afterwards.

Method 1: Manually Embed Your Logo

One way to display your custom logo is to manually embed it into your design files on the Polygon network. This method involves creating an additional logo image data file that can be uploaded to the Ethereum blockchain and then displayed directly in your token contracts.

Metamask: How to show my erc20 coin custom logo everywhere?


  • Create a new Ethereum wallet or use an existing one.
  • Set up your Polygon account and create a new token contract using the ERC-20 standard.
  • Check out the “erc20” library provided by Polygon, which contains functions for working with tokens on the blockchain.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Create custom logo file: Create a PNG or JPEG image of your desired logo and save it as “logo.png” in a location accessible to your Ethereum wallet.
  • Set up the erc20 library: Import the necessary libraries, including erc20, into your codebase using npm or Yarn.

const { Erc20 } = require("erc20");

// Initialize the Erc20 contract instance

const tokenContract = new Erc20();

  • Upload your logo file to the blockchain: Use the tokenContract.uploadImage method to upload your custom logo image file to the Ethereum blockchain.

// Upload logo image file to blockchain

tokenContract.uploadImage("logo.png", (err, data) => {

if (error) {


} else {

//Log or save uploaded image data for further processing




  • Display logo on token contract – Use a custom function to display the submitted logo on your token blockchain.

// Define a custom function to display the logo

function displayLogo() {

// Get a token instance from Erc20 library

const token = new Erc20();

// Display the uploaded logo in the token contract

token.displayImage("logo.png", () => {

console.log("Logo displayed!");



Method 2: Using a Polygon-based blockchain service

Another approach to displaying your logo is to use a Polygon-based blockchain service such as Polygon Studio or Matic Network. These services provide an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing tokens on the Polygon network.


  • Install and configure your preferred blockchain development environment (IDE).
  • See the erc20 library provided by Polygon.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Create a new token contract

    : Use the MaticTokenFactory SDK to create a new ERC-20 token contract in Matic.

  • Set up the erc20 library: Import the necessary libraries, including erc20, into your codebase using npm or Yarn.

const { Erc20 } = require("erc20");

// Initialize the Erc20 contract instance

const ContractToken = new Erc20();

  • Upload the logo file to Matic: Use the MaticTokenFactory SDK to upload the custom logo image file to Matic.

// Upload logo image file to Matic

MaticTokenFactory.uploadImage("logo.png", (err, data) => {

if (error) {


} else {

//Log or save uploaded image data for further processing




  • Display logo on token contract: Use custom function to display submitted logo on token blockchain.

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March 2025


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