Improve the analysis of transaction tests that exceed time limits
Testing contracts for Solana, Anchor, Bankrun and Jest can be a strong approach. However, as the contractual behavior becomes more complex, the diagnosis of questions becomes more and more difficult when the operation exceeds the limits of time. In this article, we will investigate ways to improve the analysis of such scenario tests.
Problem: insufficient error messages
Currently, Solana operations are usually performed by checking the expiration field at the operation. If the operation exceeds the specified time, an error is issued, but it may be difficult to establish the exact cause of the problem.
Existing solutions and restrictions
Anchor offers several features that can help perform test analysis:
* Bankrun : testing system, which accepts asynchronous operations and returns the results in flow format.
* Jest : A popular JavaScript testing system that provides strong support for testing solar test contracts.
However, these solutions do not guarantee exact mistakes or accurate problems. They can provide general information about errors, but often fail to establish the main causes of the problem.
To provide a better approach: Sola-Test use
To improve test analysis and get more accurate information on errors when transactions exceed time limits, we can use the solar solar solar test.
Here is an updated approach:
Updated code
Import {Starnanchor} from ‘Inchor-Bankrun’;
Import {error} from ‘@solana/web3.js’;
Import {test, Accountmeta from ‘@solar/test’;
// Define test feature to confirm operations before sending them to blockchain
The Async Valididtransction function (Operation: any): Promise
Consist error = wait error.createfrom operation;
// check if the error is discarded when the operation exceeds the limits of time
IF (instance error error && error.message.includes (‘timeout exceeds’) {
console.log (operation!
} Else {
console.error (error);
// define a test to model operations while time exceeds the expected limits
Async feature testimeouutexex () {
Consist accounts = test.createcount ();
Const key = account.Key;
// create an operation that exceeds the time limit
Const transport = {
// Define operation information …
Data: [],
Programs: []
Wait for “starnanchor” (“startprogram” ([key, contaData: accountant}))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
.Runprogram (
I started
Try {
// mimics the time error
CONSTRROR = NEW ERROR (“time exceeds”);
Wait Valididtransction (Timeuterror);
console.log (‘Surgery is set!’);
} Catch (error) {
IF (instance error error && error.message.includes (‘timeout exceeds’) {
Console.error (operation found!
// Return Operation Restore the original program
Wait for Startanchor (). Runprogram (
I started
Return -ti_program_id
// run the test feature
Testimeout -xver ();
In this article, we discussed the challenges of analyzing errors when the operation exceeds the time limits and proposed an alternative method using the solar test.